PD Neurotechnology PD Neurotechnology

Wearable medical device for Continuous
Monitoring of Movement Disorders

A sophisticated expert system
for patients with Parkinson's Disease

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Standing by you, at every move you make

PDMonitor® is a medical device for monitoring Parkinson’s disease. Through the use of a set of wearable devices, PDMonitor® is able to trace, record and process a variety of symptoms commonly present in the disease course. A mobile app and a web-based physician tool, facilitates patient-physician interaction, improves clinical decision-making and enhances overall patient experience.


The expected benefits for patients are:

  • Objective view of the disease progression
  • Ability to seek advice and hold discussions with the physician, based on actual data and not hypotheses
  • Self-report;they can easily share data with physician and other caregivers
  • Physician constantly monitors and assesses their condition
  • Visits organized when significant treatment changes are required

PD Neurotechnology’s highly talented people, including many masters and doctorate holders, are materializing an inspiring innovation pipeline. They are steered by the four founders and the Medical Advisory Board.


How PDMonitor® works

PDMonitor Benefits

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