Then comes depression and many problems; they miss days of work; they are no longer productive, regardless of what stage in life they are in. Therefore, an outward-looking approach was the obvious choice right from the start. Applying an outward-looking approach has a high cost and requires one to consider how they will go about it, which associates they will find, how they intend to build a network, if they will be establishing subsidiaries or if they will be working with distributors.
We currently operate in approximately 10 countries, most of which are in the European Union and in the United Kingdom. We are directly interested in the Middle East, but most of all we are interested in the US market.
One must look into the steps that need to be taken in order for a medical device to receive compensation from the health system. For example, in the United Kingdom compensation is provided on different levels. It can be provided in a geographical region, in the corresponding CCG, which is the Clinical Commissioning Group, of Belfast for example, or it can be provided at hospital level or at the central level with a central buyer.
With different scenarios, different branches, a compensation network, and then we have the Payons, which can also be private insurance companies. They play a different role and participate in a different way. Health professionals also play a very important role as they are the ones who will recommend the use of a medicine or device, and therefore they must know about it and receive training. There must be clinical studies proving the product’s performance or, similarly, that it improves quality of life or, similarly, that it helps the health system save on resources. So, if you consider that all this is different by country – some common and some different – it creates the need for a very different mapping of each country.