May 20-21, 2022: PD Neurotechnology® was invited by the Swedish Movement Disorder Society (SWEMODIS) and the Swedish Parkinson Research Network (SWEPAR-net) to present and show case, how PDMonitor® is driving a paradigm shift in Parkinson’s disease management. The meeting was held on May 20-21, 2022 in Steningevik, Märsta, Sweden. The PD Neurotechnology® team presented evidence and results from the ongoing clinical studies and the real life experience so far from the use of PDMonitor®.
Nikos Moschos, Founder and Business Director of PD Neurotechnology® commented: “We would like to thank Per Odin for his kind invitation. We are very excited by the early use of PDMonitor® in Sweden, supporting SWEMODIS improve the lives of Parkinson’s Disease patients and SWEPAR to run state-of-the-art Parkinson’s Disease research. Please stay tuned as more evidence unfolds from prestigious University hospitals all over Sweden, a country which is a global pioneer in the use of objective monitoring in Parkinson’s Disease.”
Professor K Ray Chaudhuri MD, Dsc, FRCP, FEAN presented his own experience with PDMonitor®, so far, and commented on its essential contribution to patients’ effective monitoring.
You can find the press release here