PD Neurotechnology Ltd operates under a Quality Management System in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 13485:2016 standards, and an Information Security Management System in accordance with the ISO 27001:2013 standard. The company is committed to comply with specific and well-defined processes and policies, communicate effectively with its clients, continually monitor and improve its services, minimize client complaints, train its staff, ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of its stored data, and secure all information flows, taking the appropriate measures and preventive and corrective actions.
PD Neurotechnology aims to improve and expand its products and services. This will be achieved by investing in innovation and by striving to satisfy the needs and requirements of its clients. In doing so, it would operate with the highest quality standards and comply with the latest legislation. Our belief is that providing high-quality services and maintaining the company’s successful operation relies solely on people. For this reason, we place great emphasis on training and educating our employees, and encouraging good communication, participation and creativity.